INOSOFT AG honored as a family-friendly company for the 8th time in a row

Ceremonial awarding of the certificate by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs in Berlin

Last week it was that time again: the awarding of the berufundfamilie audit certificate by the non-profit Hertie Foundation under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. INOSOFT HR Director Karin Batz also traveled to Berlin to receive the award in person.

"INOSOFT AG," emphasizes Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, "was one of the first IT companies to be certified by the audit berufundfamilie in 2002 and has established a culture that promotes the compatibility of work, family and private life for many years." Beside six other companies, the system house from Marburg is the only company in Germany to have participated in the audits without interruption from the very beginning.


The merit of establishing a culture of work-life balance goes first and foremost to the passionate HR manager. "You have to want it," is Karin Batz’s credo. "It doesn't work half-heartedly, as you can see from the experiences that some companies reported during the panel discussion."

Batz knows the difficulties that many employees face from her own experience. As a young working woman in employment, she was denied many opportunities as a single mother. After switching to self-employment, it was very important to her to remove such obstacles for her colleagues.

Various measures, such as home office, part-time work or parental leave, were therefore already common practice at INOSOFT before Batz became aware of the newly founded audit berufundfamilie 22 years ago - and was immediately hooked.

She set up a working group of colleagues who, to this day, develop suggestions adapted to the respective phases of life and support their implementation. With success, as the high level of employee satisfaction at INOSOFT shows.

"We do everything we can to ensure that our colleagues are well and also take some of the trivial things off their hands. We are available as a point of contact for personal concerns such as childcare, caring for relatives or personal illnesses and try to work out solutions together. We are happy to do this, but it should not belie that we also have to work," explains Karin Batz.

"The audit helps us to never let up in our efforts to make working life as stress-free as possible for our employees. And we are also pleased when we can help other companies with our experience."

Marburg, 26. June 2024

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