
WeeklyTalk # -

Fehler: Frontmatter enthält Fehler

Pfad: D:/inetpub/INO_www/user/pages/05.weeklytalk/103.wie-ist-die-lage/video-weekly.en.md

Failed to read D:/inetpub/INO_www/user/pages/05.weeklytalk/103.wie-ist-die-lage/video-weekly.en.md: Unexpected characters near "s the situation?”, we will be looking at the issues that currently concern us most as a medium-sized IT company.'" at line 2 (near "og_summary: 'Under the heading “What's the situation?”, we will be looking at the issues that currently concern us most as a medium-sized IT company.'").

title: 'Wie ist die Lage?'
og_summary: 'Under the heading “What's the situation?”, we will be looking at the issues that currently concern us most as a medium-sized IT company.'
og_image: weekly103_og.jpg
number: 103
length: 32:17
    provider: youtube
    id: fgqSo7ewmqw
    category: []
    tag: []
    section: []
interesting: _groupwt    
date: 10.10.2024 16:00

Having dealt intensively with artificial intelligence in the past four WeeklyTalk episodes, we are looking at the topics that currently concern us most as a medium-sized IT company.

10. October 2024

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