It's no big secret that part of our company name is derived from innovation. Nor that we deal with interesting IT topics and technological trends outside of project work. Our experimental space - the “INOSOFT Spielwiese” - plays an important role in this.
Interested employees regularly work in interdisciplinary small groups on a wide variety of IT topics. Failure is expressly permitted - no specific result is aimed for. The decisive factor in the "Spielwiese" is the ability to look beyond one's own nose by primarily addressing external trends and leaving internal project frameworks behind.
We are currently testing how this can look like in our virtual experimental room: Here, we investigate the question to what extent virtual reality technology can be used to enable creative collaboration.
For this purpose, we have set up an online project room in our multi-user VR environment. The colleagues involved meet in this room virtually, i.e. spatially separated from each other. The audio-visual communication runs entirely via commercially available virtual reality data glasses. The users can see each other, talk to each other, work on solving a task, brainstorm or work together on a virtual object.
In addition to assessing the technical possibilities, we primarily consider the content-related questions:
- Can a creative atmosphere evolve at all in a virtual environment?
- Which aids, software tools, etc. are necessary to work creatively in a virtual environment?
- Through the data glasses, the participants are completely focused on the virtual environment, does this fact affect the finding of results?
- What is the maximum duration of a virtual meeting?
Marburg, 27. July 2021